BEE Clean

BEE Clean

There was once a saying that stated, “Happiness is a CLEAN and organized home.” If you look around your house, there is always a dusty shelf, a dirt-covered floor, or a stain on the couch, which doesn’t always contribute to our health or happiness. CLEANbee will give you a few easy tips on how to be clean and happy all at the same time! Interested? Well, keep on reading.

1. Dirty Floors: This is number one because it’s the number one problem in a house. There will always be dirty floors, so here is a home-made cleaner, safe for the family and pets. Mix 2 cups of warm water with ½ cup of vinegar for a potent yet safe floor cleaning solution. If you want, you can even add 5-10 drops of essential oil for a fresh scent.

2. Dusty Surfaces: Dusty surfaces are no joke. That’s why it’s next on our list. Dust can cause allergies and itchy eyes, which isn’t fun. An easy fix for that is a microfiber cloth. A microfiber cloth catches the dust in the hundreds of tiny fibers stored in the cloth. One easy swipe and you have a brand new, dust-free surface. Easy enough, right?

3. Contaminated Air: Air contains millions of bacteria cells, which can cause illnesses, which we don’t like. So here is an easy spray for fresh, crisp air. Mix 1 cup of water, ¼ cup of vinegar, and 10-15 drops of essential oil, to make a DIY spray. You can even use this on furniture! Use grapefruit, orange, or lemon oils for a sweet smell.

This is a great way to do hard jobs easily! Tackle big jobs in half the time! We hope this helps with any cleaning needs, and as always, CLEANbee is there for you! Call with any questions on the work we do, as we’d love to help you be clean. We hope to see you soon!

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