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Vollara O2 System

Vollara Air And Surface Pro

Vollara Air & Surface Pro

CLEANbee has been committed to providing you with the best options for your commercial and residential property for the last six years. Your health is no exception. CLEANbee has partnered with Vollara, a COVID-19 virus-killing machine killing 99.9% of all viruses. We only accept partnerships with the best companies, and Vollara is no exception. We offer multiple payment options to ensure a plan for everyone to keep their homes and businesses safe from sicknesses.

Our partners both have this in their homes, and it is life-changing! They’ve noticed when their families feel under the weather when they go to bed and wake up feeling better in the morning if sickness was coming on. It eliminates pet smell, strong odors such as cooking, paint, epoxy, etc. Using space technology, Vollara Air Systems attacks virus particles in the air and kills them with 99.9% accuracy. As we are talking with more and more of our customers, it is incredible to hear the stories of praise for this fantastic machine, and for a good reason as it protects your most valuable asset, your health!

All in all, this is protection for your loved ones, clients, employees from many forms of viruses such as Sparks virus, COVID-19, known as Coronavirus, all variants, Influenza, SARS, as the list is endless. Vollara Air and Surface Pro is hands down the machine that you need to protect your family.

You can own a cutting-edge machine of your own that keeps you and your loved ones safe at a low, low cost, only about a month and a half of a health insurance payment for the average family.

As always, CLEANbee continues to find new ways to serve you the customer. Make the right decision today and protect those who you love with this fantastic, life-changing machine.

Read more: here.

Contact us: here.

Thank you,
CLEANbee Management

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